Title: eth0 initialitation failed

Iīm new using linux and I have troubles with my ethernet and with my video card. The video card isnīt too much important because I can use and standard vga and a I think hat the problem is because it is an intel i810.

But need my eth0 running and I donīt know what to do.
At the start up say "Bringing up interface eth0... Delayin ethernet eth0 ... FAILURE" This had say always except the last startup that it only said delaying eht0 FAILURE.

I go to Lothar and it doesnīt say anything about my ethernet card... and in the netconf I try to configure the DNS and all but I donīt know what happen.

Have I to install a driver or what? If it is the solution Iīd like to know where to obtain and how does a new driver installs.

Please answer me with all datails... Iīm new doing this things.

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