I'm sorry people are only civilized in here when you believe that Linux is
god.  I neither worship nor love bill gates.  I definately do not worship
nor love Linux.  I respect both, and on my machine, Linux crashes more often
than win2000 so that is my experience.  I for one am completely sick of
sitting here and listening to a bunch of uniformed fascists rant and rave
about how much they love Linux and how much windows sucks.  I believe both
OS's are strong and that is why I run 2000 and Linux.

Anyway, don't respond because I'm going to leave the group because, I get
sick of the few people in here that are so damn extreme in their views.
I'll get on a list of people who actually know what the hell they are taking
about and have something other than "Windows sucks and Linux rules!!!" every
other post.  I'm guessing that most of you don't even know what the
underlying structure of an operating system is so I don't really see how in
the hell you are so damn qualified to speak on what makes a good one.

I'm out,

-----Original Message-----
From: mark willenbring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: [Re: [[newbie] More probs with dual boot]]

Stop the arguing!  Can't we all get along?  Comparing
the 2 OS's is not fair.  They are both so different
its amazing.  I do agree with Stephen in that this is
a Linux board and if you want to worship Gates you can
find thousands of places to do it on the web.  Most of
the posts here are very informative and the people are
for the most part civilized so please settle down.

--- Charles Ulwelling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good God Man.  Stop being a damn linux nazi, and I
> have news for you.  Linux
> maybe 9 years old and windows might be 16 but linux
> is going to have a hell
> of a lot of catching up to do if it is going to be
> where windows is today in
> only 7 years.  You only show your ignorance by being
> unable to admit there
> are other things out there that have some good
> properties.
> later,
> pendragon
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Stephen F.
> Bosch
> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 10:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [Re: [[newbie] More probs with dual
> boot]]
> Jaguar wrote:
> > You mean your a newbie to Windows????
> > If you took the time to read my reply, you will
> see it states "Make up
> your
> > minds..either it sucks and you want NOTHING to do
> with it...or quit
> bashing
> > Windows."
> > So why are you saying that it sucks if it can do
> something Linux can't?
> It does none of these things well -- and judging by
> the length of time it
> has taken Linux to
> get where it is, it should not be too long before
> nothing remains the sole
> domain of Windows.
> It took 16 years for Windows to reach the point it
> is at now -- it has taken
> Linux only nine.
> The writing is on the wall.
> Windows still sucks - it's expensive, the support
> for it is abysmal, and
> worse, the user is
> prevented from solving his own problems because he
> doesn't have access to
> the bloody source
> code. Period.
> Look -- you're on a Linux mailing list. If you want
> to people to praise the
> damn thing, go to
> a Microsoft list. There are still plenty of suckers
> out there who think
> Windows is the cat's
> meow. One thing is for sure -- Microsoft sure as
> hell doesn't need your
> support.
> -Stephen-

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