Can anyone please help

Every time I use my address book or even try to access it causes
a shut down of communicator which is very annoying .

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the netscape files but
somewhere the system is remembering the address book and i dont
know which file to delete.

I think the problem arose after importing an address book from
windows netscape 4.6 and also a similar one from linux mandrake
6.0 this produced some duplicate entries which was okay at first
but when i tried to delete some of the extra entries they wouldnt
go. or they would only go if the lower of several entries was
deleted and then the next one up. I also could only delete two or
three entries before it stopped deleting and I had to close the
address book before recommencing .

I am happy to ditch this corrupted address book but dont know
wher to go from here .

Thankyou in advance.

Duncan Bayne

Remember if you stab two keys by accident it always registers the
letter you dont require.

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