Some questions, maybe you folks can help:
1.  The crossover question I asked earlier...any idea?
2.  I have a "freshly" installed system, so no extra software has been
installed except the Mandrake 7.0 install.  When I use Netscape in xwin,
it will work, then suddenly will stop.  I mean the page will stay on the
screen but when you click on a link, nothing happens.  It just stays
there. Shut Netscape down, and then try to bring it back up, and nothing
happens, it merely "shrugs off" the attempt.  
  Now, if I bring up a virtual terminal and look in the .netscape
directory, there is a blinking file called lock.  Delete this and netscape
loads fine.  Ideas, thoughts?
3.  I have one 8.5 gig hd and one cdrom.  I want to hook up two more hard
drives, copy some data from them, and then remove them from the system.
How do I get Linux to recognize them so I can copy, then remove them from
the system as easily?
4. One final problem:  I am hooked to my campus ethernet network.  While
running windows, I get tremendous throughput loading pages, doing ftp, in netscape in linux, I am getting throughput no higher than
3.5k/sec and then it starts dropping, and stalls out..goes back up to
3.5/3.6 and drops slowly to 3.0, 2.9,2.8..etc then stalls out..
any ideas?

Thanks Valjean

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