I know Off topic Again But I wanted To Let YTou Guys Hear The Most stupidest thing i have ever heard i have been going to uproar (it's a free game sight) and had trouble with linux so ichecked there support page and what do i find linux as one of your choices for an o/s i sent a report for help and the guy gets quoting windows and mac bs i asked him if you don't support linux why list it as one of your choices he responds back we list it as a choice so we can determin if people are using so we can tell them we don't support it  is it just me or does that make no sense (hey let's open up a pizza place and when people order say sorry we only sell hotdogs and when they say then why call it a pizza place we can tell we call it a pizza place   place so we can find otu if people want pizza so we can tell them we only sell hotdogs ) LOL
To The Future Of Linux Together Let's Crush Microsoft And Take BAck Our Desktops

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