David Hugh-Jones wrote:
On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Vic wrote:

> Uh oh, I hope you don't have a trouble with some of
> the hardware in the machine that your using.


Hey, don't go blaming it on the hardware now. It's pretty clear that Linux
is not an easy ride to install, no matter how stable it may be

I made sure ahead of time that my stuff was completely Linux comaptable.

Asus MB, Advansys SCSI, HP 810 Printer, 20 gig HD (ata off for now),
G400 Video (was on the Mandrake list), Yahama CD writer, Plextror CD,
USR/3com external modem, SB Live!,  etc etc.

Mandrake install was click click click,  Real Player was typing a couple simple lines,
Word Perfect Office 2000 was a click click click and it's running.
No compileing, configuring lilo tweaking, this and that...

Linux does not have to be complicated.  It can be simple.  There is no reason that it has to be anymore.
If they want more hardware Linux support, they are going to have to make it for the
people (like me), that don't want to become software engineers.  They shouldn't have to be.
That is probably the biggest thing that I feel that Linux software writers should
work on this year.. AND MUCH thanks to those people that are doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!


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