
----- Original Message -----
To: "Austin L. Denyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: Problem with X (Blank screen).

> I don't know what kind of laptop you are using but mine has one of those
> "special function keys" that switches between internal,external,both
> displays.  Have you played with this?  In my bios is a place to tell
> to choose by default the ______ display.
> Hopefully this perc-ed some ideas for you...

Mine does indeed have the "special funcion key" you mention.  Pressing this
has no effect after the display disappears.  In fact, it was while I was
trying exactly this that I accidentally hit the "suspend to disk" button,
and discovered that a suspend/resume corrected the display for the rest of
the X session...

To re-cap, booting Linux to the text console works fine.  I only lose the
display when starting X.  When I run startx, I get the initial text screen,
then the blue background screen (complete with mouse pointer).  Before X
initialization completes (before any icons appear), my screen goes blank.
Shelling back to text mode, or even Ctrl-Alt-BS does not bring the screen
back, although everything is still running.

If I run Xconfigurator, I get the 'can you see me' screen fine.

The laptop specs are:

Atlas Flyer 4700.
AMD K6/2, 380Mhz.
64 Mb RAM.
Silicon Motion Lynx 910 video card, 4Mb video RAM.
1024 x 768 LCD laptop display panel.
6Gb HDD, partitioned as follows:
hda1 - 140Mb - Suspend to disk
hda2 - 2.0Gb - Win98 C:\
hda3 -  n/a  - DOS Extended; contains:
hda5 - 2.0Gb - Win98 D:\
hda6 -  50Mb - Win98 E:\ (temporary, to keep drive mappings the same in
hda7 - 128Mb - Linux Swap
hda8 - 100Mb - Linux \boot
hda9 - 1.6Gb - Linux \

I also have a PCMCIA modem, IrDA port, parallel Iomega Ditto Max Pro and a
USB Zip drive to configure, but one hurdle at a time ;-D

I'm running Mandrake Linux 7.0-2 (from the iso image downloaded from the
Mandrake site).

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who has helped so far.

Austin Denyer.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Austin L. Denyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Linux Laptop (ML)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "List
> Linux-Mandrake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 6:56 AM
> Subject: [newbie] Re: Problem with X (Blank screen).
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > I seem to be getting closer to the solution, but I'm not sure what it
> I
> > tried Adrian's logging trick and got the full log this time (thanks,
> > Adrian!).  However, I couldn't see anything obviously wrong.
> >
> > So, I then tried switching between monitors (to try out Adrian's idea of
> the
> > wrong monitor being used), but with no success.
> >
> > Then, I accidentally made a discovery.  Whilst trying the monitor swap
> > (special hot key on this laptop), I hit the wrong key, and hit the
> > to disk key.  For a moment, just before the suspend status screen
> appeared,
> > the display came back!  When I resumed from the suspended system, the
> > display worked fine!
> >
> > This is repeatable - boot Linux into text console mode, run startx, lose
> > display, suspend to disk, resume, et voila! I have my display back.
> >
> > Does the above give anyone any pointers?
> >
> > Thanks for your help so far.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Austin Denyer.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Adrian D Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:23 PM
> > Subject: Re: Problem with X (Blank screen).
> >
> >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/07/2000 10:27:57 AM
> > > [snip]
> > > >The system itself installs fine, but I can't get X to work. > During
> the
> > > >setup (and later using Xconfigurator) the "can you see me" >test
> > works
> > > >fine, but when I try to run X for real I get a blank screen >a few
> > seconds
> > > >after the blue background appears.  If I Ctrl-Alt-BS out, >linux is
> still
> > > >running (I can type 'reboot' and the system obliges) but I >still
> a
> > > >blank
> > > >screen (Alt-F(n) does not help).
> > > [snip]
> > > >So far, I have tried 'startx 2 > x.out' on the advice of >another
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > Try doing a "startx 2>&1 |tee start.log" (you should be able to us a
> > instead
> > > of the "|tee" but it never seems to work on mine) to write all output
> > (standard
> > > and error) to a log file.
> > > My best guess (and that's all it is) is that XFree86 is finding and
> > enabling the
> > > external display first and then disabling/ignoring the internal
> > (LCD).
> > > The driver for this just came out in 3.3.6 so there very well might be
> > general
> > > detection bug. Several of the drivers will take an option in the
> "display"
> > > section like "intern_disp" to force the use. Have you tried this?
> > >
> > > Adrian
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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