When you did your install did you happen to mount the HDD's 
in Read mode only?


> Robin wrote:
> > Brand new first time install.  I was diong some HTML in Kedit...it won't let me
> > save.  Does not seem to matter where.  It says "a document with this name
> > already exists"  no matter what the name.  Then it says " an error occured".
> > What is up? This happens in any text editor I have.  They will let me open an
> > existing file and modify it??????  Any ideas???  Robin.
> T'does not seem like a stupid question to me.
> Hmmmm.  Interesting problem, but don't know the answer.
> Happens in any text editor, eh?
> Which text editors have you tried?
> Did you try gvim, vim, vi, emacs?  These typically wouldn't be used for creating
> html files, however they could be used and emacs does support html links, if I
> remember some recent reading, correctly.  Nonetheless, if you haven't tried these
> text editors, then give these a try, to see if the problem repeats itself with
> these.
> It doesn't sound like a permissions problem; however, check your directory
> permissions anyway.  It would be goofy if this was the problem, but it doesn't
> hurt to verify the permissions for writing or creating new files.
> The error message(s) you're getting, though, would be screwed up or wrong, if it's
> a directory file write or create permissions problem.  If this is the case, then
> the editors are buggy, for reporting erroneous or invalid error messages.
> I'm not 100% certain, however I think that it may be possible to modify files
> without being able to create new files, but I don't presently have the time to
> verify this.
> If gvim, vim, or emacs work, then use one of these editors, instead of kedit, for
> writing.  Being accustomed to vi, I much prefer gvim and vim for writing, because
> it's easier to move around, as well as easier for basically any editing task.  The
> kedit I have (from a download a couple of months ago) doesn't have nice keystrokes
> for moving around, copy+pasting, etcetera, which means needing to use the mouse
> much more, which in turn is a pain in the neck, requiring constant or frequent
> switching between kb and mouse.
> If you don't know vi or vim, then the control keys can be a little deterrance from
> learning these editors, but it's a worthwhile learning curve.  vim may seem
> primitive, but it's a powerful text editor, and learning the control keys doesn't
> take long.  emacs is more powerful and requires a slightly (?) longer learning
> curve, if you want to get into deep emacs modifications, which is not necessary;
> however, the power and or flexibility makes it a very worthwhile editing tool.
> So far, I only use kedit for viewing the contents of files, and new (tools) aren't
> always better than older (ones).
> If the problem doesn't occur with these text editors, then try Netscape Composer,
> if you have Netscape Communicator installed, that is, if you haven't already tried
> with this tool.  I don't know how it ranks among html editors, but it worked for
> the trivial html changes I needed to make to some html files.
> Also, try using a different user account.
> If none of this works and you want to create a new html file, or any new file,
> then try the following.
> a) Bring up the little KDE command dialogue box and specify kedit along with the
> name for the file you want to create, add some text and then try to save, that is,
> assuming you still want to use kedit.
> b) If 'a' doesn't work, or you choose to leave kedit only for viewing purposes,
> then create the file using echo and then edit this file.  Because this file would
> already exist, and you say making changes to existing files works, then this
> approach should work.
>         In a terminal window do
>                 % echo "" > {filename}.html
>         Then, use kedit, if that's the tool you wish to use to edit the file, to
> edit the file; or
>         gvim, or vim (vi), or emacs, or netscape composer to edit the file.
> However, this would only get you around the problem, instead of solving it, which
> you would still need to do.  Until the problem is solved, though, you'ld have a
> work-around.
> mike

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