evan light <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting down 7.0.  When I
> issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems fine and dandy until
> it switches into "single-user" mode.  If I try ctl-ald-del at the
> single-user prompt, I get the message "no authorized users logged in."
> If I try shutdown again, it spins for a bit and goes right back to
> single-user mode.  At that point, I couldn't do anything but cringe and
> power it off..  Anybody have any ideas?
> -evan-
Try "shutdown -h now" w/o quotes.
If that doesn't work, try the same command after su-ing to root.

"What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?"
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