
        % uname -a

If this doesn't work, then check the versions of the kernel images and other
boot files in the /boot directory.

If neither of these work, then I'm not sure how else to check this.  There may
be a configuration file somewhere, which might contain this information;
however, if neither of the above methods provides the information you want,
then they should and you might want to report this in the Mandrake bug reports.


Greg Martz wrote:

> I have been hearing about the above version, but saw nothing about it on the
> web site.  I then checked and checking the
> VERSION file in both current and 7.0 I see that it is indeed marked as
> 7.0-2 (Air)
> When I do a Ctrl-Alt-F1, my mandrake install says 7.0 (Air).
> Are these the same versions?  I have looked at the time/date stamps of all
> the files in the base folder for both my copy and the copy on
> and they are the same.  Is there a way I can check to see if I have 7.02
> (Air) before downloading the whole package again?
> Thanks!
> Greg

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