Hello everyone...
I think i have messed up my Linux installation!! :) I
have pressed reset about 3 times while linux was
running!!! :) (btw, how dangerous is it to press
"reset" while linux is running??)

while booting, i get sthg like ..
checking new hardware... unable to find module
**module name**
(I can't remember the module name!! :))

in windowmaker, when i get to the menu editor, it says
it can't read the current format of the menu! it
displays nothing!

in windowmaker, there are 2 entries for Screen saver
in the menu! when i choose Enable and lock, it really
enables and locks! but after 5 minutes, the lock is
gone!! any one can click the mouse to get back to my
work, without giving password or anything!

When i open the screensaver preferences, it displays a
warning it is not running on display:0.0

I think i have spoiled something! :(

how can i reinstall linux, without having to wipe out
the old linux partitions first, and in an easy way?
(btw, i also have windows on my machine!)

Is there a way in the installer to tell him to install
EVERYTHING?? i want to see ALL packages!! :)

Thank you...
 Mohamed Saad

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