Thomas Cattigan wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you very much for your mail.  The problem that I am having is that there
> does not seem to be any good information on setting up your network on
> mandrake.  I am thinking of going back to RedHat.
> You were right I did not have the telnet server installed - I installed this but
> am still getting the same message.  Do you know if there is a website with some
> information on trouble shooting networks with mandrake?

I am beginning to wonder if my messages are making it to the list.

In a previous post I said you have to uncomment the line referring to
telnetd in your inetd.conf file, or inetd will close the connection.

All connections to your IP services are passing through inetd, and if
inetd doesn't know about telnet, inetd won't let you in.


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