Daniel Anderson wrote:

> I've installed Mandrake 7 and cannot log in in
> console mode.Login to
> the gui works fine.I get a login incorrect message when
> I try to login
> to a console either as root or as a user.Any ideas?
>         Thanks
>         Dan

During the install, did you at some point specify that you wanted to
login starting with X and a window manager by default?

I don't know how your problem could be occuring, because I've never run
into this kind of problem.

However, login with the gui mode and examine your .bashrc and
.bash_profile files.  Check if there's a command startx, which would
probably be near the bottom of the file.  If you see this command, then
comment it out, by placing a # in front of the command.

ACTUALLY, before doing this, go into gui mode and then choose to exit
the gui environment.  What does this do?  Does it cause the system to
return you to the login prompt, or to reboot, or does it leave you in a
shell at a command line prompt?

Do that ACTUALLY part and report the results, here, before doing
anything else.  Also note and report any error messages you see during
boot.  If you don't remember these, then run

        dmesg > junk 2>&1

Include the output of dmesg in your reply.

The problem could be a non-problem or could be due to some configuration
file, based on how you did the install.  The file, in this case, might
be correct, based on how you did the install, the options you chose.
One possible example is if you chose an option to allow only login
environments only in gui or X (not sure if this option exists, but
believe to recall seeing something kind of like this).

Wrt the latter, I just let it install for normal login and if at some
point decide that I always want to start immediately with a gui, then I
simply add the startx command to one of the startup scripts.  If at some
point I don't want this, then I merely re-edit the login script to
comment out the startx line.  I haven't heard of any bugs the other way,
but this leaves me in the driver's seat.


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