OK Here's the situation:

I am clueless with Linux (You're Shocked, I know):

Anyway, I installed my Mandrake over a clean Dos 6.22 on a P200/128MB.  No 
Problems there.

I have a Win98 PIII/500 that is hooked to my cable modem.

I have a static IP for each box and the modem is Currently setup like this:

Wall -->  Cable Modem --> 4 port Hub -->  PIII/500

This works fine.

I want to have:

Wall -->  Cable Modem --> 4 port Hub -->  Win98 PIII/500
                                     |->  Linux P200

All cables work, but I cannot get my Linux to read anything.  I can't find 
anything about setting up the "Cable Network" connection.  I am lost.  I put 
all the info for DNS, IP, etc. as best I could, but I don't think I did it 

Is there a complete step by step for setting this Linux box on a network.

I know no Unix, but I will pick it up quick.  I am (was) half way through my 
MCSE, so I understand Networking in M$ fine, but this Linux is confusing the 
hell out of me.

Someone, PLEASE HELP.  I need this online by the weekend. :(

Thanks in Advance.


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