On this whole debate..I'm about to stick my head WAAAY over the parapet here
for you Microsoft haters to snipe at

So, please, don't get me wrong..I'm intregued with Linux, and I'm really
glad I took the plunge. I'm not in any way having a go at Linux with any of
my comments.

I was more talking about the technical reasons why Windows is visible to
Linux, but not vice versa, and thanks for those who've mailed..some off
list..to explain.

But on the other topic of the ethics, or lack of them, from Microsoft.

I'm a relative newcomer to the world of the PC, in whatever form it takes. I
hit 41 this year, and touched a mouse for the first time ever only 30 months
ago. Microsoft have made computing easy for people like me. I've spent a lot
of time learning how Windows works..not necessarily WHY it works..I'll never
be a programmer :-)) and consider myself very proficient with the OS. I can
run my business on Windows, as well as my leisure PC needs..Linux, as it
stands does not offer me that first option. I haven't found anything I've
wanted to do on my PC that I cannot do under Windows..I have already found
that not to be true with Linux.

Hand on heart, even going into Linux with my eyes wide open, armed with the
PC 'knowledge' I've had from working in a Windows environment, I really
could not see Linux in it's current form ever seriously challenging Windows
as the OS of the public. Yes, it may be more powerfiul, yes it may even be
more 'Flexible' (Whatever that may mean), yes it may be more stable, but for
an absolute novice they would really, really struggle to get anywhere with
it. When I was starting out, I spoke to friends who were PC owners, got
their help, figured the rest out myself. What would the chances be of me
approaching them and saying I've bought this new PC, it has something called
Linux on instead of windows..how do I install a program?..and actually
finding someone to help me? This forum is just great, and has been a HUGE
help over my first few weeks of using the OS, but if I was starting as a
total PC newbie, I'd probably never have got this far!!When Linux evolves,
as it surely will, to the point where it becomes 'newbie friendly', THEN it
will be a serious alternative for the leisure PC market.

Yes, I understand all of the arguments that Microsoft are only interested in
their own product, and have no interest in supporting other OS's, but
frankly...why should they? I have my own tool shop..there is another one up
the road..if a customer comes in and wants something I don't stock, do I
send my customer down the road, and risk losing him in the future, or try
and sell him something else that I have got? I only care about what I sell,
and when you are talking about your livelihood, whats wrong with that? There
have been plenty of companies who have enjoyed success on the back of the
success of the Windows OS

The 'Better Platform' doesn't always win, does it? VHS v Betamax, remember
that one? Betamax was, technically, a better product, yet VHS was the
victor. You'll get a better picture off an expensive camera with zoom
lenses, etc, yet most folks use a point and shoot camera. That, to me, sums
up this whole thing. Windows is 'Good Enough', and has built up a whole
industry around itself.

OK (Sits down and waits for the flak)..I've finished!!



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