> ...But come on..what is the REASON? Not 'Because windows is made by 'Satans
> Sperm' (Something I certainly DON'T subscribe to BTW!!!).
Because Windows does not provide support for reading/writing from any 
partitions that are Windows/DOS partitions. There is little chance that 
Microsoft will add this support in the forseeable future. Linux does support 
other partition formats so does read/write Windows.
> After all, an HTML file, A
> GIF image is the same on whichever o/s. ((Sits back and waits for someone to
> tell me 'Oh, no they're not'!!!).
Oh, yes they are. How you access the information is O/S dependent.
> It's a great shame.. I've downloaded stuff onto my Windows partition for
> Linux, and I can move that over no problem. Much as most folks on here won't
> like me for saying this, Windows will, for a long, long time, remain my OS
> of most use. It's therefore a great shame that, while I'm downloading off
> the web, I can't download Windows stuff while I'm connected via Linux.
Download the install files from Linux, store on your Windows partition, and 
when next you boot up into Windows run the install file.
And in case you are wondering, I am typing this message form Windows.
Joseph H. Perry
Oracle DBA
Columbus State University
4225 University Ave
Columbus, GA 31907-5645
(706) 568-2063

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