Ok, so I had my little fun with this. Let's be real here. 

I've been using computers since I was 8 years old (I'm now 28), I've seen 
'em come and go. This little debate over Linux vs Windows reminds me of 
the ST vs Amiga or Atari800 vs Commodore64 bbs flame wars. I've owned the 
following: Timex/Sinclair 1000, CBM Pet, C64, Atari 800xl, TI 994/A, Atari 
520ST, Atari 1040STE, Amiga 500, and a few PC's (from 1994 - up). Point 
is, I've used a few OS'es and because of that, I can honestly say this: 
Windows9x is the best thing going. 

I'll catch hell for that remark, but let me explain myself here. 

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