
To mount your internal zip drive; 1st - open a terminal window; 2nd - change to
directory "/mnt"; 3rd - make a directory for it (I used "zip"); 4th - now mount

cd /
cd /mnt
md zip
cd /
mount t- vfat /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip

The "sda4"  in "/dev" maybe different on your machine.  Check the
"/var/log/dmesg" file to see what your system thinks it is.  Also note that you
cannot eject your zip disk until you umount the zip drive.

Hope this helps;
Bruce :-)

Martin Foster wrote:

> Hi!
> Just having spent a couple of days installing and configuring Mandrake, I find
> that I can access all my drives *except* my internal ATAPI Zip drive. Can
> someone please tell me if it's possible to access it and if so, how?
> Regards,
> Martin

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