Perhaps, before you get bent to much further out of shape, you should realize that you 
have just tapped into the best support Mandrake can give you.  I don't know about 
there phone support.  But perhaps when you get to your lilo prompt you can type "linux 
3" (no quotes on the command line) to boot into run level 3 then you can re-run 
Xconfigurator and try selecting a lower refresh rate for you monitor, that is 100% of 
my problems with XFree86.  Not the video card driver.  Another option would be "vi 
/etc/X11/XF86Config" and edit the horizontal and vertical refresh rates yourself.

You could also fill us in on the actual problem your having and we could help you 

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Roger Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 05:27:00 -0600

><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><font color="#000000">I purchased Linux Mandrake gold box because I think
>it is a great release</font>
><br><font color="#000000">and wanted to give money in hopes that would
>help further development</font>
><br><font color="#000000">of the best Linux release I have installed and
>used to date.  I also have had</font>
><br><font color="#000000">some questions in the past and wanted to speak
>with a live person on the phone</font>
><br><font color="#000000">about some installation issues.  Linux Mandrake
>7.0 goldpack comes with 60 days</font>
><br><font color="#000000">phone support so says the advertisement and the
>support paper that I received in</font>
><br><font color="#000000">the box.</font><font color="#000000"></font>
><p><font color="#000000">I followed the instructions and registered my
>release at the mandrake web site.</font>
><br><font color="#000000">I could not get my video card to work with 7.0. 
>The video card worked with 6.0</font>
><br><font color="#000000">and was in the XFree86 supported card list. 
>I called Bynari and the operator</font>
><br><font color="#000000">said that she would have someone call me back. 
>no one called back so I called</font>
><br><font color="#000000">the next day and was told by the support representative
>that the contract</font>
><br><font color="#000000">with Linux Mandrake had run out and that Linuxcare
>had taken over support.</font>
><br><font color="#000000">(Bynari did not return my call after 6 trys -
>they always said that someone would</font>
><br><font color="#000000">be paged and call me back - appears to be a less
>than functional operation)</font><font color="#000000"></font>
><p><font color="#000000">Bynari could not give me a number to Linuxcare
>and I could not boot my computer</font>
><br><font color="#000000">to goto the website creating great inconvenience
>in finding the 800 tech support number.</font><font color="#000000"></font>
><p><font color="#000000">Linuxcare said they had not been contacted by
>MandrakeSoft to give the phone support.</font>
><br><font color="#000000">they did give some help but not enough to get
>my installation working.  I searched the MandrakeSoft</font>
><br><font color="#000000">web site over and over and can not find a number
>to call.  I searched all the information in the</font>
><br><font color="#000000">documentation and could not find a number to
>call at Mandrake.  Leaving off a number to call</font>
><br><font color="#000000">or someone to contact at mandrake soft appears
>to me to be intentional.</font><font color="#000000"></font>
><p><font color="#000000">It has been said that Linux cannot be used in
>mainstream industry because it is not supported.</font>
><br><font color="#000000">With mandrake I have found this to be the case.</font><font 
><p><font color="#000000">Can someone give me a number at MandrakeSoft to
>speak with so they can honor the agreement</font>
><br><font color="#000000">to provide 60 days of phone support?  This
>has been so frustrating that I really would like to choke</font>
><br><font color="#000000">someone at Mandrake for dropping the ball on
>this.  Why in the hell is there no number on the</font>
><br><font color="#000000">website to call?  Why in the hell did MandrakeSoft
>not change their website to point to the new</font>
><br><font color="#000000">support contact after registering my relase? 
>If I cannot get help on this I will change back to RedHat</font>
><br><font color="#000000">and on the next upgrade have all instances of
>Mandrake removed from my companys computers.</font><font color="#000000"></font>
><p><font color="#000000">thank you</font><font color="#000000"></font>
><p><font color="#000000">am</font></html>

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