
Interesting that you brought this up. I just noticed today that my system
seems a little flaky when accessing my Windows partion under Linux. It has
been locking up solid and the only common thread I could think of was that I
was accessing my Windows partition at the time.

Based on your quoted email I am going to change the name of the mount point -
seems like a strange solution, but I'm used to strange after the vga=0x0301
kernel parameter riddle.  :P

Do you remember anything else from that discussion thread a couple of months
ago that you can add? Thanks...


On Sun, 23 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Civileme....I thought that there was a problem when the mount
> point contained uppercase characters?  At least this is what I
> remember when we were discussing the prevention of lockups when
> accessing vfat partitions a couple of months ago.
> Alan

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