On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, Dylan Schwilk wrote:

>PS, I just thought of something: perhaps I must make sure mboard is not
>using ATA66 during installation?  I now remember seeing something about
>that.  I'll post this anyway, but I'll check on that.

That is true, what I know. There is a kernel patch available for ATA66,
but you can only apply that (of course) after installing things. The
patch you can find while searching http://mandrakeuser.org

>IBM drive that holds win95 and winNT.  My plan was to make a system that
>loads LILO in the hda MBR then if booting linux, boots from a boot partition
>on hdb.  I assumed I could also just choose to boot linux from a floppy that
>tells the system that \boot is on hdb.  Maybe I'm totally messed up in my
>thinking.  Where should I put \boot? I know it must be below the 1024
>cylinder, but which drive?  I've found several dual/triple boot descriptions

I am not sure on this, I have so far only heard of /boot (not \boot, that
is a windoze dir ;-) being on hda.

Good luck!


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