pRiZnA wrote:

> Hi,
> This is my first e-mail to you, I've installed LM 7.0
> on a
> Pentium II
> 96MB RAM
> Voodo Graphics
> SB Sound card
> 20GB (master ide - windows)
> 10GB (sec ide - linux)
> Everything worked fine, but after approx 2 weeks, when
> Linux started, it displayed:
> dev/hd? unmounted uncorrectly - check forced
> after it ran the scan programme it came to a halt
> displaying:
> press Ctrl -d or run the scan (can't remember the
> name)programme (as root), I've tried, but to no awail,
> this has led me to re-installing LM 7.0, it's happened
> about 4 times and it's happened again last night, any
> suggestions?
> A Fed-up Windows user
> thanks in advnace

OK, here's what happened.  Assuming you were running linux when you shut
your machine down for the evening, it appears you did not issue a
shutdown command and/or wait for the system to inform you that the
system has been halted before you turned the machine off.

The command is
    shutdown -h now

the explaination is
    shutdown = obvious,  -h = halt the machine ( you can issue a -r to
reboot after shutdown)  and now = do it now ( you could enter a 5 for
shut down in five minutes - used by sysadmins on a server to give users
(administrators nickname for idiots , hehe) time to log out before the
server goes down).

As for the scan program not running properly I believe the command is

e2fsck hdxy   ( where x & y are supplied by the bootup message ) hda1
would be the first partition on the first harddrive in your system hdb1
would be the first partition on the second hard drive in your system.
And yes you must provide the root password in order to run it.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

Registered linux user #1696600
ICQ #63389227

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