> :
> >PS, I just thought of something: perhaps I must make sure mboard is not
> >using ATA66 during installation?  I now remember seeing something about
> >that.  I'll post this anyway, but I'll check on that.
> That is true, what I know. There is a kernel patch available for ATA66,
> but you can only apply that (of course) after installing things. The
> patch you can find while searching http://mandrakeuser.org

That is not true.  You can have your hard drive(s)connected to your ATA/66
controller and then do the install.  All you need to do is pass the ide
address to the distribution on install;  boot:  IDE2=0xca00, 0xadd (something
along those lines)  cat /proc/pci to get that information.  With Mandrake
since you are not dropped to a root prompt before install (came from Slackware),

all you need to do is get a slackware boot disk or cdrom and once at that boot
prompt type cat /proc/pci to get the IDE2 and IDE3 information, so you can have
use your hard drive connected to the ATA/66 controller.  There might be
some otherway to get this information, but since I had my slackware cdrom
sitting around, I just used it.

After the install, I downloaded 2.2.13 kernel (since there are issues with that
and the 2.2.14 kernel), ran the patch, configured/compiled kernel and that
was that.  ATA/66 enabled.

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