pRiZnA wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first e-mail to you, I've installed LM 7.0
> on a
> Pentium II
> 96MB RAM
> Voodo Graphics
> SB Sound card
> 20GB (master ide - windows)
> 10GB (sec ide - linux)
> Everything worked fine, but after approx 2 weeks, when
> Linux started, it displayed:
> dev/hd? unmounted uncorrectly - check forced
> after it ran the scan programme it came to a halt
> displaying:
> press Ctrl -d or run the scan (can't remember the
> name)programme (as root), I've tried, but to no awail,
> this has led me to re-installing LM 7.0, it's happened
> about 4 times and it's happened again last night, any
> suggestions?
> A Fed-up Windows user
> thanks in advnace
> __________________________________________________
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OK, someone powereed off without shutting down--that is how
devices do not umount properly.  A power outage can also cause
this, so give some thought to another important ingredient--A

Now to fix this you do this when you see the "Press ctrl-D"

1. type in the root password
2. the system will respond with a # as a prompt so you should
make your screen look like this.  (look up at the device name it
said was faulty--I am going to assume it is /dev/hda6 for example

# e2fsck -c -p  /dev/hda6

3. watch the output and answer aany fixes with YES or y

# e2fsck -A -R -p

To check any other filesystems

This is the equivalent of scandisk from windows use.

Now when shutting down, use the logout from graphics mode and the
shutdown button and select shutdown OR go to console mode and use
ctrl-alt-del OR

# shutdown -h now

and wait for the machine to quit or ask you to power it off.


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