Do a copy (cp) not a move (mv) !  It's a whole lot safer. Then you can
delete the old directories when you're *sure* you're system's *not*
messed up.

cp -R /home /mnt/b1/

I'm guessing you've already edited fstab in your /etc partition to
automount the new partitions under ./mnt/. Otherwise, try a manual mount
as root first:

mount /dev/b1 /mnt/b1 

(assuming you've created /mnt/b1 with mkdir first)

I know, I know, you knew all that *but*.....


Paul wrote:
> Hi all,
> Now I am in need of an answer.
> I have /usr and /home as subdirectories on the / (root) partition. This is
> a 1.6 Gb partition.
> Now I got 2 large partitions extra available, 4 and 4.5 Gb. I want to move
> /usr to one of them, and /home to the other one.
> These extra partitions now are called /b1 and /b2.
> Can someone tell me how I should go about with this, without messing up my
> entire system?
> Thanks for the help and advice you can give me.
> Paul
> )0(-----------------------------------)0(
> Spring is nature's way of saying:
> "Let's party!!"
> )0(----[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-------------)0(
> - ICQ 147208
> Registered Linux User 174403


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