Hi again,

I received this off list from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (thanks)

>Here is the source of your last message: since you wrote them in html
(grrr), an ActiveX applet has managed to worm its way in - it looks to me
like a virus of some 
>sorts.  As you can see, it mentions autoexec.bat and the registry - get
virus checker please!
>In the mean time (actually always!) write in plain ASCII!

Well first, sorry to everyone for this scare. I guess MS Outlook did
something that I was not aware of...first send messages in HTML. Sorry, I
didn't realize that it was doing that. I know how annoying it looks, but at
the time is was the only e-mail program I had. As for the Active X thing,
I'm afraid I don't even know what it is or what to do about it. I do have a
anti-virus program (Norton AntiVirus) but it didn't pick anything up. If
anyone can send me some information about how this happened or how to stop
it, I would greatly appreciate it :-) 
For now I'm using a different e-mail program that sends in generic ASCII
(thank goodness). I'm attempting to send e-mail to myself to try and catch
MS Outlook in the act.

Again, apologies to all!

Evan Holt

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