Ok, here goes, gang . . . I'm a 42 y/o (male) RN on my 5th or 6th
computer, now. (So much for knowing computer programming, etc.) I have
done Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, & 98, and some version of Mac once, on one
"Macintosh" I had  (at home),  and Windows NT at work.

I understand basic options, with Windows, for management, scandisk,
defrag, Norton's Utilities, etc.

The other day, I gave up on Windows 98, and installed Linux-Mandrake
6.5, and let me say, first, that I LOVE it. It is SO much more stable!

That said, onward . . . (1) I've no sound, except rare beeps from the
main computer when I click on something I'm not supposed to click on. I
can't hear anything at all from the speakers; (2) How to get "out" of
KDE into basic text=driven Linux to run command lines; (3) Gnome runs,
but the keyboard dies in Gnome; (4) how to decompress *.gz files, and
install, because I wanted to upgrade my Netscape to a 128 bit
encryption, and I don't know how; (5) how to work with WINE - I got WINE
in a RPM format, ran it (via "root"), and it said it installed, but I
couldn't find anything to click on, and never knew how to access it; (6)
I tried to install gnucash and xaccount, and the OS called for
libXm.so.1, libjpeg.so.6, and libXXm.so.2, which, upon research, I found
out to be "Motif" files, not that I know what that is, of course (I
don't); (7) I searched "Motif" and got a page about it that totally
confused me, and by then I was bummed out big time; (8) how to access
emulators, install DOS programs and run them via same, etc. Where are
the DOS emulators? What are they called? I can't find them.

Thank you.

Robert, South Carolina, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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