On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Bob wrote:

>       I still haven't Lilo configured to identfy my windows(on a seperate Hard
> Drive). More questions come up, than are satisfied, but I learn as I go.
>       I just ran /sbin/lilo and received the following: seperation (core
> dump).  No idea what that means. 
>       Would like to copy and paste from Pico to Kde's default mailer.
>       Your suggestions please.
> This is the current attempt:
I don't think you'll ever get lilo to work with such a file.
Here are my suggestions : (each comment concern the line preceeding it)
> root = /dev/hda1
This line should be under the 'image=/boot/vmlinuz...' section
> delay = 100
> #messaage = /boot/bootmesg.txt
> root = current
I think you should remove this line
> timeout = 50
You should here add the line 'boot=/dev/hda'
> prompt
>     vga = normal
>     read-only
This line should also be under the 'image=/boot/vmlinuz...' section
> map=/boot/map
> #install=/boot/boot.b
> image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14-24mdk_i486
>     label = linux
>     read only
>     append="mem=128m"
> other = /dev/hda
this line should be 'other = /dev/hda1'
>     table = /dev/hda
>    label = w
> Machine is a Gateway 500p, linux modem installed.
> If install=/boot/boot.b is the default then why does KDE place it in the
> linux.conf file?
> Unable to determine the reason for "timeout = 50", but I did place in the file.
> :)
It is the time (in 1/10 second) you have to enter what you want to boot.
After that time, lilo boots the default image.
> Thank you


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