Hmmm..another question about this whole fiasco.  I dled the rpm ...transfered it
to teh server, and from a ssh sesion I was not able to install the rpm.
Is this because of security and installs like that can not be made remotly?
(and is this somethign I would be responsible for ?)
Or is it because I am missing some of the dependicies?

Any help is greatly appreciate.  Thanks for the info Monte M.


Monte Milanuk wrote:

> Welcome to one of the 'quirks' of Mandrake 7.0 ( I presume that is what
> flavor you have).  If I recall, if you don't select 'Custom', and
> 'Development' during install, or otherwise explicitly specify to install
> the compiler, you don't get it.  If you are downloading an *.rpm file,
> you should be able to install that no problem, assuming you have all the
> dependencies (required files/libraries,etc.) satisfied.
> Monte
> James McLaughlin wrote:
> >
> > I am wondering why every time I attempt to compile something I continue to
> > get errrors about my gcc or cc is missing.  I am guessing this is my C
> > compiler....I don't get it....where the hell is it?  IF I do a locate I come
> > up with zilch!  Nothing is out
> >
> > I am downloading gcc but I wonder if I can even install that without a
> > compiler. :(
> >
> > Horribly frustrated tech..
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