Check the Corel Newsgroup for WP2k, looks like a lot of unhappy campers.  I tried
installing it twice and then called and asked for my money back on the WP2k deluxe
package I bought.


> Try going to Corel's website and dowloading the tar package - think it's called
> guilg00.gz
> then do this :-
> mkdir $Home/tmp
> cd to the directory you downloaded it to and,
> cp guil00.gz $HOME/tmp
> gunzip guilg00.gz
> tar -xvf guilg00
> then run the installer  ./Runme and follow the prompts.
> when asked for a directory to install into I used /usr/local/corel
> select your printer.
> to launch WordPerfect (if you used the directory I did) type the following
> command
> /usr/local/corel/wpbin/xwp
>   language modules are
> available for the language you need, similar to the above, to run with language
> installed type /usr/local/corel/wpbin/xwp -lang (your language abbreviation
> eg, US, UK,) so that it appears as for example /usr/local/corel/wpbin/xwp
> -langUS
> On Wed, 03 May 2000, you wrote:
> > I have a problem.  I have installed the 7.0 distro on my machine, and
> > absolutely love it!  The only thing I haven't been able to do is to get
> > either Star Office or Word Perfect to install on the machine correctly.
> > Star Office did install, but even after making sure I selected the
> > English (US) version of it, when I open it it's in german.  Word Perfect
> > won't even install for me, which I already have a bad taste in my mouth
> > with them   from trying to use Corel's Linux OS.
> >
> > I'm sure I'm missing something basic, but can't figure out what it is.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bill

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