I have sort of the same issue. I did access the RPM files and reinstall it. 
They put the compiler in the /usr/ area. You will see a subdir for i586, 
i486, and i386. My problem, even after installing the RPM files, I still 
get the "gcc c complier can not make executable." error message. Even after 
manually putting these directory structurs in the LD_LIBARY_PATH and PATH 
environment. At least now it is not giving me "can not locate crt1.0" 
error. Now it is erroring out on a include file, which has nothing in it. I 
am told if you do not select the "developer" option when installing Linux, 
then the system is not setup correctly to compile. That does not make much 
sence, but figure I will spend about 4 hours tonight proving that theory. 
Hope that helps some.


-----Original Message-----
From:   James McLaughlin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 03, 2000 5:59 AM
Subject:        [newbie] GCC is missing....grrrr

I am wondering why every time I attempt to compile something I continue to
get errrors about my gcc or cc is missing.  I am guessing this is my C
compiler....I don't get it....where the hell is it?  IF I do a locate I 
up with zilch!  Nothing is out there...help..

I am downloading gcc but I wonder if I can even install that without a
compiler. :(

Horribly frustrated tech..

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