Am Son, 07 Mai 2000 schrieben Sie:
> I think I'm seeing what part of the problem may be.
> When I clicked on "reply" to answer this particular msg on the list, it 
> only put your personal email in the "To:" space. I had to click on "Reply 
> All" to get it to go to the list, which will give you 2 answers, one from 
> me, on from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I know this isn't the entire problem, as I have posted once, and a really 
> strange thing happened to that posting and when I reposted, there were 2 of 
> the same post after I received a daemon msg that my email couldn't go 
> through. Things are pretty strange, I'll agree.
> Carol also getting mails 2 and 3 times.........and sometimes i also get
msgs from the mailer daemon.........saying :

 Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:
linus linus (Mailbox or Conference is full.)


> At 02:42 PM 5/7/00 +0800, Glenn Crouch - ESB wrote:
> >Curious - I'm subscribed to both but am only getting single copies...
> >
> >Glenn Crouch mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:36017076
> >ESB Consultancy,
> >Home of ESBPCS, ESBStats, ESBPDF Analysis & ESBCalc
> >Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia
> >(TeamND, TeamOE, Addict Support, Management)
> >

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