On Mon, 08 May 2000, you wrote:
> I installed SuSE 6.4 yesterday and finally got to see KDE! I know Mandrake 
> has the driver Mach64, but no matter what I did or how I fiddled, Mandrake 
> wouldn't configure with my video card and I gave up. LILO also installed 
> perfectly and I can boot in either Windows or SuSE and there is no hanging 
> in the password screen of Win98.
> I suspect when I become more comfortable with Linux, I will learn to 
> manually tweak things and will try the Mandrake again.
> Next step is to get a larger HD and install SuSE on that one, as well as 
> Mandrake.

I'm posting this using SuSE 6.4 (I've run Mandrake 7.02, on my main machine,
since it was released) and I'm surprised that you found it easier. I've tried
every recent distro on my back-up machine and Mandrake 7.02 is still the
easiest to install and configure. 


John the Nadger



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