Well, I also had the same problem while answering to someone stating that
a program told him that "his kernel was an asshole" or something like
I really don't apprciate this kind of mail sniffing. I find that
I sent them a mail, asking for explaination, who they were to afford to
watch my mail, saying that couldn't let a robot judge the content of an
email, etc...
Of course, I didn't receive any answer. I really think we should do
something against those people. I don't know what, but we have to find
something. Thinking about those guyz makes me sick!
Maybe adding a word like "porn", or "asshole" or something like that in
*EVERY* mail sent to the list would annoy them enough. Or if everyone
could send them a mail to ask for explaination would convice these guyz to
leave us alone and let the ineternet be a place of freedom.
Maybe others will have better suggestions.

I usually don't smile about other's problems, but I'm kind of glad that
this didn't happen only to me.


On Mon, 8 May 2000, WolfRyder wrote:

> Following is a copy of an email I am sending to the "filtering" site that 
> linux-mandrake uses. This is in reference to the email thread about 
> "Parental Control".
> I received an email just now saying my email was " inappropriate subject 
> matter ". It was logged by you. I don't understand why, though. I was 
> answering an email on a listserv of which I am a member and we were 
> discussing filtering software for Linux as opposed to parental monitoring.
> I don't understand why I was singled out for this type of monitoring when 
> the other people the list used the same word as I, but were not censured 
> (as far as I know).
> You can bet I won't be discussing the merits of software filtering on that 
> list again. If they use this service to strike fear in the hearts of it's 
> participants when discussing possible writing of filtering options, it's 
> not a site I wish to respond to at all.
> I am therefore unsubscribing right now.
> Carol
>  >MIMEsweeper ChineseWall
>  >Server:   CN=NS005/OU=DSRV/O=Texas Utilities
> ->-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------------------------------------
>  >Mail-Info
>  >From:           WolfRyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> @ TU
>  >To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >Date:           05/08/2000 07:42:46 AM
>  >Subject:        Re: [newbie] Parental Control
>  >-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------------------------------
>  >'ChineseWall Job' reports:
>  >TXU automatically screens all e-mail for inappropriate subject matter (i.e.
>  >material that is discriminatory, hateful, vulgar, pornographic,
>  >sexually-explicit, or obscene). This e-mail contains information that is
>  >considered inappropriate for the business environment and has been logged and
>  >will be reviewed to determine final disposition. If you have any questions,
>  >please direct them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >      ' porn ' found!
>  >Mail has been archived!

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