WolfRyder wrote:

> Following is a copy of an email I am sending to the "filtering" site that
> linux-mandrake uses. This is in reference to the email thread about
> "Parental Control".
> I received an email just now saying my email was " inappropriate subject
> matter ". It was logged by you. I don't understand why, though. I was
> answering an email on a listserv of which I am a member and we were
> discussing filtering software for Linux as opposed to parental monitoring.
> I don't understand why I was singled out for this type of monitoring when
> the other people the list used the same word as I, but were not censured
> (as far as I know).
> You can bet I won't be discussing the merits of software filtering on that
> list again. If they use this service to strike fear in the hearts of it's
> participants when discussing possible writing of filtering options, it's
> not a site I wish to respond to at all.
> I am therefore unsubscribing right now.
> Carol
>  >MIMEsweeper ChineseWall
>  >Server:   CN=NS005/OU=DSRV/O=Texas Utilities
> ->--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>  >Mail-Info
>  >From:           WolfRyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> @ TU
>  >To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >Date:           05/08/2000 07:42:46 AM
>  >Subject:        Re: [newbie] Parental Control
>  >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------
>  >'ChineseWall Job' reports:
>  >TXU automatically screens all e-mail for inappropriate subject matter (i.e.
>  >material that is discriminatory, hateful, vulgar, pornographic,
>  >sexually-explicit, or obscene). This e-mail contains information that is
>  >considered inappropriate for the business environment and has been logged and
>  >will be reviewed to determine final disposition. If you have any questions,
>  >please direct them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >      ' porn ' found!
>  >Mail has been archived!


A quick search reveals that ChineseWall is an email filtering program and that TXU
is the Texas Utilities Co.

The most likely explanation is that someone at TXU is on the linux-Mandrake mail
list and their company is filtering / scanning their incoming email and then
sending the originator a warning / notice.

I know, sounds childish but that's business.  They didn't single you out, they are
just being paranoid.

Note to whomever is out there from TXU,  chew on this.....

XXX tra care has been taken not to offend.  This author fully supports anti -
pornography efforts and has on occasion pulled the plug from the offensive unit.
Perhaps you might consider re-evaluating some of your catch phrases or at least
review your "archive" log and send apologies to those such as Carol who were truly

Joseph S. Gardner
Handi Krafts


Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside

Registered linux user #1696600
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