That burner should work OK.  If it is SCSI there won't be a problem.   If 
it is IDE you will probably have to turn on SCSI emulation in the kernel 
(if it isn't already).  I think all burners should work ok with possible 
exceptions of the TDK VeloCD and an external USB burners.


At 11:03 AM 5/8/00 -0800, you wrote:
>I just completed a telephone order for a
>PANASONIC CW 7585 cd burner; as an after thought i asked if it was
>supported by Linux. They said they didn't know- so i asked them to hold
>it while i queried y'all.
>Does anyone know if i can actually use this unit(cuz they probably
>didn't hold it)??
>I have a 500mhz amd k62
>128megs(soon to be 256)
>8.5 gig

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