I think that I can say, with 99% certantity, that the filtering "problem"
which occured is connectted to Mandrake or to this list.
  Did anyone take the time to go to www.tux.com before becoming outraged? I
did. TUX is a Utility company. They sell electricity,natural gas and other
related products and services. So what we have is someone on this list who
works for Tux and is sending and receiving  newbie while at work, and Tux is
perfectly within their rights to filter all incoming and out going e-mail
their employees receive while at work.
   WolfRyder. Ease off on the indignation it was nothing you did or said ,
and was not caused by this list. A word or phrase you used was on Tux watch
list and because your address shows as From: in the Mail-Info you were sent
an automatted response. Just let it go and forget about it.
   Not all of us are Assholes( I'll let everyone know if get one of the
infamouse  [EMAIL PROTECTED] e-mails).


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