On Tue, 09 May 2000, you wrote:
> Does anybody know of any UK ISP's providing free internet access for linux
> Cheers 
> Gary


   How do you mean providing internet access to linux.  if you are talking of having a
shell account I think you will be lucky to find one, but if you are after just a normal
account then any ISP can be used with linux, just like it can with windoze.
  I'm with world on-line which after changing my phone line to theirs give me free dial
up costs so no big bills for me :^).  I've also heard that BT are starting something
similar for a tenner a month.

Where abouts are you.  maybe their is a linux user group nearby that can offer more
help.  They are listed in the new magazine Linux Format in WHSmiths.

-- The fun lies in
       what you cannot do --

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