Well, I had my first big Linux problem today. I had been in this morning
looking at some rpm packs and shutdown as usual. After lunch when I booted,
lilo went through its checklist with all [OK] and gets to the black screen
that you see just before the KDE login screen appears. Then there is a quick
flash of color in the center as KDE is trying to start then black screen,
flash of color black screen, flash of color black screen, and so on. I had
no avenue of escape other than the reset switch.
   Lilo begins its check, but since I was not able to shut down properly I
had to run a manual  fsck, everything is fixed and lilo completes. Then
black screen flash of color, black screen flash of color, black screen flash
of color, reset switch. I went through this several times even at one point
using Command startkde. No luck.
   I had not spent much time in installing or building programs and I had no
data that I was going to loose so I decided to reinstall or rather a clean
install. The way my partition were setup on that drive I had been wanting to
change. Delete 2, resize and move 1, create 2: and Roman this for you! I
screwed up and deleted a wrong partition (BeOS) . I'll fix it tomorrow.
   At any rate I now have Mandrake back up and running and KDE has, ala
Dracula, risen from the dead.
   If anyone has an idea as to what might have caused my problem or better
yet a way to fix it if it happens again let me know. 2 things you can cross
off the list are hardware changes and display properties they were all the


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