If your preference (lilo) fails, try
with loadlin (not lilo)!

Brian Ritchie wrote:
> I've finally got LM7(.0) installed on my PC (yippee!)
> However, because I chose to install it in the last 5G of a 20G disc
> (my only drive), DrakX installation of LILO went woozy - essentially,
> because LILO can't see beyond the 1024th cylinder.  It still offered
> to put LILO in the MBR, but I was wary - I don't want to lose the
> Win98 installation on the front of the disc - so opted against this.
> This means that I can only start Linux from the boot disc, which takes
> *ages*!
> Somewhere within DrakConf, I find an option to move lilo.conf, and the
> help file talks about the advantages of moving lilo (which I presume
> doesn't mean just lilo.conf?) to the low end of the disc.
> Since linux can see the front 3/4 of my disc (as /mnt/dos), I presume
> that I *could* move it there.  Is it really as simple as changing the
> boot drive (currently /dev/fd0) to /dev/hde1 (IIRC, that's where
> /mnt/dos is) and relocating lilo.conf (currently /etc/lilo.conf) to
> /mnt/dos/etc/lilo.conf (or similar)?
> I would have expected that the kernel would have to be moved there too
> - or does DrakConf do that behind the scenes?
> And then, assuming that hurdle can be crossed, how can I set things up
> so that I *can* use lilo to boot into either Windoze (as default) or
> Linux?
> There's a tiny complication in that I have a Promise Ultra66 IDE, but
> it looks like DrakX has catered for this in lilo.conf.
> I tried to make another boot disc following instructions in the lilo
> config help mentioned above; this loads much faster, but
> only to fall over with a kernel panic.  I suspect this is because it
> doesn't use lilo, so doesn't pick up the "ide2=0xmmm,0xnnn" setting
> that lilo uses when booting linux.  Is there any way to fix *that*?
> [And I haven't even *begun* to worry about how to get my scanner (an
> ancient Microtek Phantom C200) working, or my soundcard (SB Live!
> Value), or a better driver for my DeskJet 850C, how to make sure I'm
> not driving my Gateway VX700 monitor to an early grave, ...!  Looks
> like linux is a lot of work to install - but I think it's going to be
> worth it!]
> Thanks,
>     Brian

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