On Sun, 14 May 2000, X Drake wrote:

>I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything 
>is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with 
>Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the 
>browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So 

Did you have no trouble to get back into Windows? This sounds so
If you did not have to reformat all kinds of things, then I am puzzled. If
you did have to reformat your disk, then I could imagine that the harddisk
itself has a problem. I have had that once too, a 3 year old disk just
crapped out on me with no reason. Reformat went well, but a month later it
was down again. I threw it away.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

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