Dear friends:

Back in KDE.

Here are some more facts that may shed light on this problem.

I turned off my ADSL monitor, got a Failed for eth0 but StartX worked
fine and I am now in KDE using my dial-up Robotics 56k external modem.

My guess is that when your ADSL monitor is on and works fine (all three
green lights on) and eth0 passes the boot test (OK), then your Linux
EXPECTS ADSL (Always online). Therefore, when you click on StartX and
ADSL is REALLY not ON (because of some network problem) but your
computer SAYS that is on, then this will cause StartX to hang. I know
for a fact (i.e. from Bellsouth ADSL tech suppport) that ADSL is down in
New Orleans at this time -- just called to verify). Therefore, I have a
feeling that this might make sense, that is, that Linux is expecting
ADSL becausee my computer eth0 got an OK but in fact, due to network
problems, ADSL is actually out of order.

Does this interpretation make sense?

Thank you.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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