I'm sorry to hear that you got suckered into buying a linksys card. These 
guys are ripoffs. I posted a long warning to everyone about a month ago 
about them and their pc cards.

LINKSYS  DOES NOT SUPPORT LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are just trying to 
make money off of some other persons hard work. Hoping someone else has 
written a driver for the card.

At least you got an answer back from them .. when I sent in a msg about my 
card and linux it took a week for them to send me a msg back telling me 
they don't support Linux.

You are correct in assuming they are wrong about re-compiling the kernel... 
here's what I had to do to get the card to work on my Dell laptop.

Make sure networking is turned on.
Go into your bios and turn off your serial ports ( most important 
part!!..don't set to auto or any other choice you might be offered... turn 
them off.)
Linux should detect your card now ... Good Luck


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