I suppose you always wondered what it is that we do all day long, right? 
Well, one of the things we are kind of good at is browsing the web. Below
is a typical example!

Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    

(This is a major information since it was not true at all one year ago.)

"Isaksson's research was simple - he ran the word Linux through the
AltaVista search engine and then he did the same with the word
Windows. ... There were 11,313,520 Web pages found for the Linux
search but only 10,755,265 found for Windows." 

"So there you have it, inconclusive proof that Linux is now more
prevalent/important/hyped than Microsoft Windows." 


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