
My name is Marco, I work mainly in the 3d animation field (Special Fx, composition and 
I was tracking the Linux "evolution" and join it with the Mandrake 7.0 version.

I have reinstalled it some times because each time I do something, the Graphical mode 
If i get a new resolution for the desktop, at the restart the GRAPHICAL MODE 
If use themes and restart, again , no graphical mode.
I've tried with the Ctrl-Alt- F<n>  combinations but can't fix it.
Really can't figure what is wrong and, of course, can't fix it.... just reinstall...
But i think that there must be exists another way.
Can somebody help me please ; )
Any guide is welcome  : )

I have a dual processor motherboard (Pentium II, Brilliant IV from QDI), two 400 MHz 
processors, 128 MB in Ram, AGP graphics card (8MB), two HDD (13GB Quantum, 20GB 
Western Digitall), One Samsung Syncmaster 900p 19 inch Monitor. 
PD: Have the drivers for Linux (from Samsung) but can't figure how to use them in 
Linux  : P

Thanks in advance

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