Em qui, 25 mai 2000, Anthony Huereca escreveu:
> Wow, a company that actually listens to it's users! Amazing! 


> The most important thing I can think of is to include all the programming
> libaries even in a standard installation. For while these people probally won't
> ever program, they will have to compile stuff and it's a huge headache to track
> down a missing libary or two. So include all the development files that you'd
> include under a programming install, in all of the installations. It would
> make a lot of newbies (and me) very very happy.

Good point.  Whenever I re-install linux (I must have tried 6 diff flavors
since September 99) I use the "for developers" setup, to make sure I will not
miss a library needed for compilint a program.

And please, do _not_ mess around with the Qt lib (as Corel Linux did,
preventing a number of KDE apps from compiling in that distro).

> That's my main suggestion. And since you said you wanted a seperate email for
> each topic, there's more on the way.
> -- 
> Anthony Huereca
> http://m3000.1wh.com
> Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Thanks for listening,


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