On Thu, 25 May 2000, Thomas, Bill wrote:

>This is the second time this has happened to me.  The first time I thought
>it was just me being dumb and messing something up.  The second time I
>believe I can say the StarOffice install did something.  I have mandrake 7
>set to use the graphic login.  After installing StarOffice, when I rebooted,
>the computer will boot and load everything but when it tries to load the
>graphical login, it just starts cycling.  The monitor will sync (you can
>hear it click) and the numlock light on the keyboard will flash.  It did
>that for over an hour.  
>1.  How do I stop it from hitting the graphical login?  I didn't make a boot
>disk because I'm an idiot.

On the lilo prompt type:

linux 3
This gets you to a text login.

The other 2... I don't know.


Nothing is as easy as it looks.

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