Is there an MTU/MRU test utility for Linux?
There are several for windoze to tune the MTU/MRU for minumum
fragmentation/ maximum throughput. I have happened upon a
mtutest program written in C, but haven't figured out how to
compile it yet. 

"Jose M. Sanchez" wrote:
> No in your case things are different.
> I'd start looking for MTU and packet latency problem in your situation.
> If this yields the same results then it's time to look elsewhere. The
> problem is probably external to Linux.
> -JMS
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 9:47 AM
> To: Jose M. Sanchez
> Subject: Re: RE: [newbie] slow connection speed
> I have encountered this as well but in a network enviroment
> does it have a speed setting like Setserial for ethernet?
> (dsl).
> Mike

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