1) The strange characters are because you have not selected a default font
which can handle Line Drawing.

2) Why are you bringing up Linuxconf in text mode when you are in X? It
should come up in GUI mode. If not you ommitted something essential in the


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael (Nozy) Falzon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] i'm gotting this in telnet

Hi All
         I keep getting crap in telnet windows when i go in to
all the conf  programs

ie like this ( linuxconf ) and it looks this bad .....

ÚÄ Linuxconf 1.16 (subrev 2-1) Ä¿     ³ This is the main entry to Linux
ration.   ³     ³ ³     ³ Use the TAB key to navigate between the field    ³
 ³ section and the button bar at the bottom. ³     ³ Check out the help for
 screen. It is an     ³     ³ introduction to Linuxconf ³     ³ ³     ³ ÚÄ¿
  ³ ³ÄConfigij ³     ³ ³  Networking ³ ³     ³ ³  Users accounts ³ ³     ³ ³
le systems ³ ³     ³ ³  Miscellaneous services      ³ ³     ³ ³  boot mode ³
   ³ ³ÄControlij ³     ³ ³  Control panel ³ ³     ³ ³  Control files and
   ³ ³     ³ ÀÄÄÙ ³     ³ ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ ³     ³ ³Quit³ ³Help³ ³     ³

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