CalcMaster 2000?!?  Thats funny shit Paul.  Thanks for
the laugh.

--- Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 27 May 2000, Oliver L. Plaine Jr. wrote:
> Hi Olly,
> >Sat, 27 May 2000  10:07:33
> >
> >How did all of you solve this problem when you were
> a newbie? I have
> >hundreds of unknown to me programs on this
> Mandrake...I discover what
> >they do by accident.
> For this, a thing called book exists. When I started
> out with Linux
> (Redhat 5.0), I got myself a book called 'The
> Official RedHat 5 Linux
> guide'. A lot of things are explained in that,
> including RPM's. By the
> way: RPM stands for Redhat Package Manager. Another
> mystery solved.
> >     Is there a listing of programs and RPM's decoded
> into
> >something that will enable me to determine the
> purpose? or do I have
> >to search them out one by one, only to discover
> that the program is
> >not something I have a use for?
> Run GnoRPM or Kpackage. You will find a nice
> tree-structure on the
> left. Click  around a bit and on the right you will
> see a description of
> the purpose of the program. Including an uninstall
> button at your service,
> so if you don't like the program you can whop it
> away then and there.
> >     I just found one that calculates "molecular
> weights"..I am
> >sure it is an excellent program, but I am also sure
> there are many
> >here that I could get more use from., if I only
> knew about them?
> and search for "linux app" and "linux
> program"
> >     To me it appears that program names and RPM
> listings are
> >cryptic, the name SAMBA does not explain
> much....electric eyes? blue
> >fish?...where is it explained?.
> SAMBA is a general knowledge thing in the computer
> world, not specifically
> Unix. It is a tool to hook up windowze and Unix
> machines.
> Something about the program names to get used to,
> indeed. But again, on
> the above URL's you can find them. Look them up and
> read more.
> Originally Unix was a system that was only used by
> developers, and created
> by developers. Fast, simple, short commands.
> rm, cd, grep, nroff, which, vi, sed, su, those are
> some examples. I guess
> it has become a tradition for Unix-minded people to
> stay away from the
> Micro$oft naming conventions for programs a bit, to
> make a difference. To
> that, these programs are not commercial. THey are
> written by people who
> just have fun in writing programs and giving them
> away (that IS what they
> do). So if I had fun in writing a program called
> Wobbly that does some
> calculations, that is my prerogative. No business
> would probably get that,
> but then, a company BUYS stuff (normally). Which
> company would take a
> "Wobbly" program seriously? Bring it out as
> "Calcmaster 2000", and you can
> sell it.
> Paul
> )0(-----------------------------------)0(
> Finally I know how many stars there are:
> )0(----[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-------------)0(
> - ICQ 147208
> Registered Linux User 174403

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